FrAtEr HaTeR JellY PrisM Special thanks to Bexar Bellamy & Cobey Delk for letting me steal their art, Ikipr for putting this on, machine man drum, My girl Gmo for being a real friend & helping me with computer troubles, my wife D for cutting me some slack so I could get this done, my kids for fucking shit up old school. Programs used: Mixcraft Version 4 Beatcraft Samples stolen outright from: Burzum Evil Dead 2 & 3 Chainsaw Hookers Alien Dead Big Bad Mama Blood Sucking Freaks Slither Burger Time Metroid Super Mario Bro.'s 1 Q-Bert National Geographic Channel Robert Anton Wilson William S. Burroughs Aleister Crowley & a few other sources that I can't exactly remember This album was made as a work of art & is not being copyrighted or sold or reproduced in any other way by FrAtEr HaTeR. This album was intended for free download on & a few other random websites that host file sharing & should not be reproduced for marketing of any kind. Any part of JellY PrisM can be reproduced or sampled or used for any reason you want. Copyright laws are complete bullshit & people should be able to use any images, video, music, words or other media to recycle according to their own vision. May yesod be your rock & kether your lamp. Namaste, FH Operater9