On behalf of the Temple of Shit Figured Out, The Frater Hater would like to point out to those who lie in the dark on such matters as the nature of this lp's release that no money or profit of any kind is being made from the album "Metapuke". Most of the beats & samples used within the content of each track was created by Frater Hater himself & anything else used was stolen outright & will not be paid for in any way shape or fashion save that SweetRoll riseth from the crypt & pierce thy heart with the sharpened tip of his umberella. There were too many samples ganked from various sources to credit. This album is not for sale & is available for free download from The Frater Hater's record label website www.aleph9.com & www.sordomusic.com under the database link. As of now only 100 physical copies have been screen printed for burning & will be given out to those who would like them with probably 20 being reserved for special people. Any part of the album "Metapuke" can be used, sampled, stolen, raped, pillaged, violated in any manner you see fit &/or whatever the hell you want to do with it. It is impossible to inforce copyright laws on everyone & all art & music is public domain no matter what labels are put on them by patent offices or anyone else. Everyone in this world shares the same universal unconsciousness & therefore gets all of their ideas from the same source. Most people are far to vain to accept this wishing to set themselves apart from everyone through various forms of creative expression when all the while these are the things that connect us the most. The Frater Hater is not saying we are all one & insignificant, but that we are all sharing in the experience of life from every conceivable angle & that no one has the ability to see or experience anything that no one else can share in also. The word or term 'metapuke' was stolen from someones response to a blog about goetia magick on I believe tribe.net. When the term was googled, only 3 pages turned up for the word throughout the entire internet before the release of this album. The album itself is apart of an elaborate cybermagick grimoire contributing to book V of machinemandrum. Image to Sound Radionics are used to convert sigils, magical seals, voodoo veve's, & other visual aspects into audio before being tweaked, manipulated & pulverized into the backdrop of the musick itself. Various deities & godforms are invoked & evoked through some tracks so let that stand as a warning for anyone afraid of the aethyr, spiritual realm or equinox. Special thanx & blessings to: My wife Donna (the dead), Jasper, Myla, Zocea, G-money, Ikipr, Adam Saunderson, Beaverton, Greasy Poot, Arron Donahue, Preben (album cover for physical copies, Justin Elkins, the ATA, TODE, all the operators of MMD, TOSFO, SweetRoll, Tobacco man, The godess Sheetar, Asmodeus in all his forms throughout the ages, all those who support & enjoy the Frater Hater's jams. All those who inspire others to create & manipulate reality & art. All those who teach & learn. A big fuck you to those who hate the hater! Brad Hartman-you got some waves of maleciousness embedded herein for your dumbass. Fuck you to all those who either cross The Hater or stand in his way for your days are numbered as the seeds of an apple. This album was made using Accoustica Mixcraft V4, Beatcraft, Goldwave audio editor, Cybershaman radionics software, audio damage effects & a few other secret techniques. Once again this album was created for free download & is not intended for resale or to be purchased using any methodology imaginable. Frater Hater exists beyond the realm of money & materialism of any kind is soley for individuals who wish to experience music with a deeper more meaningful purpose than most dj's & producers shit out. I know that no one usually reads these attatched documents, but I thought I would cover everything anyway. Sincerely, hyphield aka FrAtEr HaTeR (op9) MMD*ATA*TOSFO*TODE With love Amun-RAH