Black Circle – Best of

Best of Black Circle
Track Listing:
Disc 1
1. Birds await the best porn Horse.
2. Kill. nuns with your hands
3. Asmodian Funk
4. VomitRide
5. Days of Cogs and Roses
6. Sha Na Diddy
7. Battered Boundrys
8. superBitch
9. Roaming Rebel-Vocal mix
10. I tried oh Lordo
11. Bitchclaw
12. Bone phone
13. Chewy Chalk
14. Suck my May Pole
15. Spidergod Grope
16. Slags of fury
17. Gristle Party
18. Strange New Religion
19. Dark Promises
20. Industrial Lie Complex (Church of the Mother-Fucker)
21. Nu Witchita
You – Boo

You – Boo
Track Listing:
1. NEW
2. ALL
7. YOU
8. I
“You get the feeling that your future self has figured out about your plans to kill your past self and that he is trying to kill you to prevent you from killing you past self so that he can live…but that thought confuses you deeply”
Geronimo Arafat – Unbeknownst to Some / and The Devis Leak Out

Geronimo Arafat – Unbeknownst to Some / and The Devis Leak Out
Track Listing:
1. And The Devis Leak Out
2. 23rd of April 2012
3. Fictional Factions and Tribes
4. Fuck Your Income Tax, That’s My Rectum You’ve Axed (So Wantonly)
5. Geronimo Arafat Incantation 4
6. Gone
7. Just The Right Bullets
8. Symbolism of Sceptres of Beauty
9. Tongue-Twister Pahlavi
Ikipr – Across the Tidal Flame, Sharp (2013)

Ikipr – Across the Tidal Flame, Sharp
Track Listing:
1. Silvery Huntress Hands do not Quiver or Shake (Your Aim is True)
2. Slips between mirrors
3. Fragments of the Mother Tongue carried on wind
4. Fiery Center Ever Radiant
5. Carry a Fucking Sword
6. All the Tiny Fractured Rays from Dying Stars
7. The Sacred Art of Regicide
Ikipr – Angry Red Hand Pushed through the Blue Screen (2012)

Track Listing:
01. Out of the Dark
02. Wild Eyes
03. Swims in Circles
04. The Hidden Mystery of Words Unseen
05. A3
06. 999 Secret Adorations of The Space Ninja
07. The Surgeons Game
Jupiter-Luna psionic schemata album cover designed by the talented Dakota Crane. Triangle sigil kindly donated by Dept. 263 operatives care of Templii Blue Shem.
Mystery X – Spidergod sends Dreams (2012)

Track Listing:
01. Spidergod Sends Dream
A fascinating nine hour dreamscape soundtrack from Mystery X devoted to the SpiderGod. Automatic drawing Spidergod cover by Juan Ochoa
Sevensy – Looking in the Mirror and Seeing No Reflection (2012)

Track Listing:
01. Around again
02. Silent iteration
03. Nonidentification
04. End of me
05. Me no me
06. On on onagin
07. 29
08. Not trying
09. Repeated absence
10. Morning clear
11. Into white
Ikipr – Fleeting Touches of the Unknowable (2011)
Ikipr – Fleeting Touches of the Unknowable (2011):
Disc I (Boaz):
01. Infiltrate
02. Operating: Shadow Mode
03. Chipping Bones at the Terrible Fountain
04. Drop an Apple by Edgar Cage (Ikipr Cover)
05. Shattered Sparks
06. I am Standing over there
07. Virgin in the Dragon’s Stomach
08. Electric Blue DataSea
09. Orbits
10. Espionage & DOR-Bombs
11. The Sun is Setting
Disc II (Jachin):
01. Book Infinite
02. You are not alone (Thy Starry Lamps glow in the Sky)
03. DCV5VC
04. Omega (with LVX1313 – 3rd Version)
05. Mercurius
06. This body hollow
07. Bismuth
08. Trembling Beneath the Stars
09. Skylabs
10. Fingers Falter
11. Were we not infinite, the end of days would come with great terror
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Mystery X – The Great Mollusk (2010)
Mystery X – The Great Mollusk (2010):
01. Intro-once every 25 years
02. Great Mollusk in the sky
03. Mollusk’s beard of tentacles
04. Conflicts in the work place over mollusk
05. Theeyestalk dance
06. Everyone should have eyestal
07. Mollusko
08. Drag it from the sky
09. Sticky sky sex
10. Some run and hide somebath in the mist
11. Mollusks final shudders
12. Requiem for a sky mollusk
13. Sweet and greasy mollusk win
14. Bloated after mollusk banque
15. Mollusk oils for skin care
16. Mollusk meals
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If you enjoy the music of Mystery X be sure to explore his Discography on Infictive & consider donating to the Infictive research fund to help support this vital consciousness researcher and artist.