Hirotaka Shirotsubaki / Martes – Across Waters

Hirotaka Shirotsubaki / Martes – Across Waters
Track Listing:
1. Hirotaka Shirotsubaki – Deep Forest
2. Hirotaka Shirotsubaki – Ashtray
3. Hirotaka Shirotsubaki – Dawn
4. Martes – Misty way
Vind – Ov Waves (2013)

Vind – Ov Waves
Track Listing:
1. 17;3
2. Ov Waves
3. Amomentary Thought
4. Neauron
5. Melody Adrift
6. Plukke und Bell
7. We Will Get There
8. Two Against Polygonal Ether
9. Whateverender
Martes – First Council (2012)

Martes – First Council (2012)
Track Listing:
1. Lustre Blanc
2. Swarm Triumphant
3. Forever Forward
4. Cloud Arkaden
5. Red rose and locket
6. Buddha’s Supreme Bliss of Total Illumination
7. Sunyata
Navi Machines – Eternal Patterns (2012)

Navi Machines – Eternal Patterns (2012)
Track Listing:
01. you will find your way home
02. crossing the contra river
03. t.o.e.
04. Ikiprs Blade
05. SwagWolf
06. Eternal Pattern
07. SlowNapper
08. Fishing for birds
Ikipr – Angry Red Hand Pushed through the Blue Screen (2012)

Track Listing:
01. Out of the Dark
02. Wild Eyes
03. Swims in Circles
04. The Hidden Mystery of Words Unseen
05. A3
06. 999 Secret Adorations of The Space Ninja
07. The Surgeons Game
Jupiter-Luna psionic schemata album cover designed by the talented Dakota Crane. Triangle sigil kindly donated by Dept. 263 operatives care of Templii Blue Shem.
Sevensy – Looking in the Mirror and Seeing No Reflection (2012)

Track Listing:
01. Around again
02. Silent iteration
03. Nonidentification
04. End of me
05. Me no me
06. On on onagin
07. 29
08. Not trying
09. Repeated absence
10. Morning clear
11. Into white
Navi Machines – We Are Meaning Makers (2011)

Navi Machines – We Are Meaning Makers (2011)
Track Listing
01. Stop Light
02. Kaleidoscope
03. Lost Transmissions
04. Dougiehouser MD
05. Emperor Andross
06. The Lylat System
07. Mr. Minimal
08. Town of Machine
09. Frowning in Your Sleep
• Download album (RAR file)
Traducer – Watson 387 (2010)
Traducer – Watson 387 (2010):
01. Nightmsohim
02. Conners FS
03. 10p2 reimaged
04. Fuck final fantasy
05. Hydrocodone daze interlude
06. Back on track and done